Filter Photographer Item List
Price Range
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Date Range

Price Range Help

You can use the "Price Range" to choose only those photographs that are within a given price range.

Choose a minimum price from the "Starting at" selector.

Choose a maximum price from the "Ending at" selector.

If only a "Starting at From" value is selected, only those photographs that are equal to or greater than the "From" value will be shown.

If only a "Ending at To" value is selected, only those photographs that are equal to or less than the "To" value will be shown.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs.

Photo Medium Help

You can use the "Photo Medium" to choose only those photographs that are of a specific process or medium.

There are also catagories for "Books" that are Photography related, and a Category of "Ephemera" that includes photography related items suchs a cameras, awards and posters.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs.

Recently Added Help

You can use the "Recently Added" to choose the newest photographs that have been added to the site.

There are selections for within the past week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs. It may be best to use this selector withou any other criteria first, then only add other selectors if the result is too large.

Date Range Help

You can use the "Date Range" to choose photographs that were taken or printed in a specific decade.

Choose a beginning decade from the "Starting at" selector.

Choose an ending decade from the "Ending at" selector.

If only a "Starting at From" value is selected, only those photographs that are equal to or greater than the "From" date will be shown.

If only a "Ending at To" value is selected, only those photographs that are equal to or less than the "To" date will be shown.

In additon there are checkboxes to narrow the search to only "Photo" for the original image capture date, or "Print for the printing date.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs.

Country Help

You can use the "Country" Select to choose only those photographs that are related to a specific country.

If Neither "Photo" nor "Photographer" are Checked, and a "Country" is selected: Photos taken in that country, or by Photographers whose main active residence was in that country will be selected.

By Checking "Photo" and a "Country": Only Photos taken in that country will be selected.

By Checking "Photographer" and a "Country": Only Photographers whose main active residence was in that country will be selected.

By Checking Both "Photo" and "Photo", and a "Country": Only Photos taken in that country by Photographers whose main active residence was in that country will be selected.

If "All Counties" is selected: this search criteria will be ignored.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs.

Keyword Help

You can use the "Keyword" entry to choose only those photographs that contain specific words, in their ids, title, photographer, or description.

Simple search
A simple search is for a single keyword such as portrait or museum. The search will try to locate any items containing the entered word as a single word, or as part of a larger word. So in the example, "portrait" will also return items that contain "portraiture" and "museum" will also return items that contain "museums."
The search is case insensitive so "portrait," "Portrait," and "PORTRAIT" will all return items that contain "portrait," "Portrait," or "PORTRAIT."
NOTE: to search for hyphenated words such as light-gathering, the hyphenated words must be surrounded by quotes to distinguish from excluded words (see Advanced below).

Multiple Words
There are two types of multiple word searches: ANY and STRING.
ANY is used for finding multiple matches. The keywords entered can be separated by spaces or commas. That is, entering self portrait or self, portrait will return any items that contain EITHER "self" or "portrait." It increases the scope of the search and will generally return more items.
STRING can be used to refine a search and return fewer items. That is, entering "self portrait" surrounded by quotes will return only those items that contain the string "self portrait" exactly as entered. (Note: use only regular double quotes to surround the search keywords.)

Advanced searching is a special way to combine multiple words or strings.
There are two joining operators; either "+" or "–."
"+" means that the searched item must contain both the first word, or string and the second word or string. For example entering portrait + museum or portrait+museum for the keywords will return only those items that contain both the words "portrait" or "museum" somewhere in their information. The two words or strings do not have to be next to each other.
"" means that the searched item must contain the first word, or string but not the second word or string. For example entering portrait - museum or portrait-museum for the keywords will return only those items that contain the word "portrait" somewhere in their information, but do not contain the word "museum" anywhere in their information.
These can also be combined with the other types of searches. For example, entering portrait+man-women-woman for the keywords will return all items that contain the word "portrait," and the word "man," but not the word "woman or women." That is, it will return all male portraits, but no female portraits.
NOTE: to search for hyphenated words such as light-gathering, the hyphenated words must be surrounded by quotes to distinguish from excluded words.

This search refinement can be added to any/all of the other search criteria. Be aware that too narrow a search may not produce any matching photographs.